Saturday, November 5, 2011

Don't Forget......

Drake Rogers once said,"I live for the nights I can't remember, with the people I won't forget.." We can all admit that there are often times at which we forget. There are also times at which we have things we wish could forget.... But as we go on through the trip that is life, one thing we should remember is where we came from.
  Beginnings are just as memerable & important as endings. What's important is that you cherish the life in between the two, and keep the people that are the most important close........and remember lean together.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Mathangi Maya Arulpragasam once said...."You can be a follower, but who's your leader?  Break that cycle or it will kill you."  For some people the idea of being a leader is very scary...I can admit...I use to be one of those people.  The idea that someone's success and failure is dependent on you is a heavy burden to carry, but for's a necessary one. 

 As I grow older I become very aware that with every year you are given , comes the blessing of more responsibility.  Yes, I said blessing.  The challenge of responsibility is one I have been recently shown I should not be afraid of nor, run from.  So, I with my head high and heart set on fulfillment...step into leadership....all the while maintaining my Lean>>>>>>>

oh and here's a picture of Mathangi Maya Arulpragasam

Friday, June 24, 2011

Back>>>>To The Present<<<<>

  Konnichiha (pronounced as konnichiwa) my ninjas!!!!!! I know that its been a while since you got a post from me.......But there is a computer has been out of commission and i hate posting from my phone...But never the less I'm back to solve and cause more civil unrest all at once.

I also want to let my readers know that if you have ideas or comments about the blog..feel free to leave them and holla at me...i wanna know  what's on yallzest miiinz (country accent)....So pep up betty's and grummpys im baaaaaaaacckkkk! or yea....and my Lean is still going...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Looking Up.....

  As a child I was always fascinated with stars....I never knew why but, I always found myself drawing them or craving them into trees....later in life I even got a star tattoo.  My affinity for stars got a big boost when one day I found out it was my "power symbol".  I always find myself looking up at the stars at night..Naming the constellations and just thinking. <<<<And there it was again..I was doing the out loud) sorry.. I have a media/journ. degree that makes me do that.... I thought, "people are no different than stars." 

  That idea comes from the thought that, like people, there are billions of stars, all with there own lights and names. People often for get that god has blessed us with our own light, so let it Moi, (yes i took French for 5 years) have a future so bright i gotta wur shades.....So whether you are a Dwarf(small star) or a Nebula(big star)....go ahead get ya shine on...cause i promise nobody else will do it for you....And anybody who tells you are any less...just say..."Take your hand....Lift it....and smack yourself".

Some people think that at one point a part of every atom in every human being was once a star......If that's true..maybe we're not just looking up...we're looking home....( that's something to Lean about.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Simple Things..... That Solve Complex Thoughts (Part 1)

Buttered toast. Yeah, buttered toast is one of the most simple food combination that has ever been matched ..Yet one of the most filling and delicious breakfast/snacks you can to the mid evening bowl of cereal that we love to have from time to time...It's simply bread and butter, two of the most readily available things in the world that nobody notices until they are gone.  We go out to all the latest and newest places looking for the best foods that often come with the biggest price tags.....And yet we still find ourselves needing to grocery shop for things like bread.
    So...I got to thinking one day (dangerous I know)" is buttered toast a metaphor for life?" I think it is...everyone has their own buttered toast...That one person or people that are always present and there when we need them. So, who's your buttered toast? Whomever it is...just remember when you out there chasing the Short Stacks and Continental breakfasts of the world don't neglect your buttered toast..Because you won't miss it until its gone....(where the jelly at? Oooch that toaster is hot..but in still leaning...)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

SUPER BOWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Super Bowl Sunday has always been the hit point of a new year for sports fan and just general people.  But i've always like the group of people I watched it with, the food that was eaten & the drunk stories that come Monday morning.  The party normally goes like this ; Get there..start half tipsy by the first Commercial......(This adds to the hilarity of everything going on) eat.....drink enough to soak of the alcohol enough to see the 4th quarter of the game...The plan has not failed yet so I hope the saga continues year after year, because we will continue to Super Bowl!! And I will continue to LEAN.....

Premeditated OOOPS!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

State Of Black Women's Unions

As I channel flip I can't help but be drawn into certain shows such as Basketball Wives, Real Housewives Of Atlanta, and The Game.  And as I watch I notice that the roles the black women were playing were starting to become reoccurring and none of them were what I would consider good.   As I took it all in I thought to myself..."Self?...What would alien men who have never seen a black woman before think if they saw one of these shows?" The conclusion i came to is that if men came to this earth looking for women to carry on their race>>>Every black woman would be left where she stood!!

And on the note I will say...the State of the Black Women's Union  is looking very very poor.  With groups of white producers creating the idea of what a black woman is it no wonder black men are searching for Kim Kardashian instead of Selita Ebanks....(And I lean Still)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

First of many......

2011 a New Year....A New blog...I guess an intro is needed..well I am Terell, a twenty something Little Rock, Arkansas native and My view on life has  always been a little bit skewed  the way of the virtuous thinker and I would just like to share a few thoughts with you.  Now of course your thoughts and views are welcome because whats an opinion without an agreeing or opposing one.
    2011, A New Year and with resolutions floating in the air like bad smoke in new year's eve parties, one can only wonder if they will last just as long.  NYE resolutions have  been the victims of the less dedicated for years.  We are all guilty of looking into or a mirror and /or someone's eyes and promising that "things will be different", or "we will do better", only to watch those promise go out the first window opened like the smoke. 
    I often sit and wonder what the world would be like if people kept their promise.  Would we be the great people of whom we have always seen ourselves?......I don't know that answer...but now I start my lean into stardom...