Friday, April 8, 2011

Looking Up.....

  As a child I was always fascinated with stars....I never knew why but, I always found myself drawing them or craving them into trees....later in life I even got a star tattoo.  My affinity for stars got a big boost when one day I found out it was my "power symbol".  I always find myself looking up at the stars at night..Naming the constellations and just thinking. <<<<And there it was again..I was doing the out loud) sorry.. I have a media/journ. degree that makes me do that.... I thought, "people are no different than stars." 

  That idea comes from the thought that, like people, there are billions of stars, all with there own lights and names. People often for get that god has blessed us with our own light, so let it Moi, (yes i took French for 5 years) have a future so bright i gotta wur shades.....So whether you are a Dwarf(small star) or a Nebula(big star)....go ahead get ya shine on...cause i promise nobody else will do it for you....And anybody who tells you are any less...just say..."Take your hand....Lift it....and smack yourself".

Some people think that at one point a part of every atom in every human being was once a star......If that's true..maybe we're not just looking up...we're looking home....( that's something to Lean about.)

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