Monday, October 29, 2012

Run Tell That...Maybe?

 As another election approaches, people are making their final concessions about who they believe the next leader of the free world should be.  And they scare me.  I don't know if people have forgotten or just don't know that you vote based on the best person for the job.  Not the guy you like, or the guy opposite of who made you mad, because, as always, you're upset about something that happened that didn't really effect you...... The only people I worry about more are the "non-voters".  You know the "I don't like either one, so I'm not gonna vote at all" people.  They'll be the first to blog, facebook, tweet and complain.  The right to vote is one of the few real rights you have.  SO USE IT! 
Because if you don't, you have NO right to complain about the future since you chose to be stagnant in the present.  No jokes in this one folks.  GO VOTE!!  Because if you can't be counted on...YOU WILL BE COUNTED OUT…I'm Leaning in that direction…